

COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Expiration

COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Expiration

COVID-19 lead to a loss in wages, and cost majority of tenants to become late on rent.

Are evictions allowed?

The eviction moratorium in Texas is set to expire on October 3rd, 2021. Majority of judges are still actively allowing evictions in the state of Texas. The CDC Declaration is not abating any eviction cases, as all evictions are up to the judges. If you have been affected by COVID-19, the protection against evictions has already been lifted. 

If I applied for Texas Rent Relief, what happens now?

Due to COVID-19, there has been an abundance of rent relief programs. Texas Rent Relief (TRR) provides tenants with back rent, and pays your landlord directly. In some cases, your eviction case may be abated due to pending payouts from Texas Rent Relief. If you have questions regarding your eviction case, call and ask an advocate to check on the status of your case: 512-661-7999.

Can I be evicted prior to October 3rd?

Yes. You may be filed on for eviction prior to October 3rd, as long as your landlord has served you a valid vacate notice.